Thursday, July 28, 2011

Yeast Infection Causes - Repeated Infections Should Not Be Ignored

A yeast infection is no laughing matter in any situation because it can lead to a host of secondary conditions. A lot of people don't know that your brain is an area where you can develop a yeast infection. Some of the problems a yeast infection causes in your brain include headaches, irritability, and depression. This is just a short list. This is a rare occurrence and you shouldn't be too concerned. A majority of the results of a yeast infection are much less traumatic. You might head off to the pharmacy to get some over the counter meds to treat your yeast infection, but this is not always the best course of action. The reason for that is if you are pregnant, for example, then you should see your doctor and receive a safe treatment for the condition.

The state of the yeast cell population in your body, especially in your vagina, can be determined by the type of clothes you are wearing. If you want to help prevent a yeast infection, then make sure that your underwear is always clean, made out of cotton, and not worn too tight. This has to do with Candida over-growth taking place in areas of high moisture and increased temperature. With all of the causes of yeast infections, you need to be aware of anything that might make them worse, such as wearing pantyhose. Most people would never even think about blaming their yeast problems on the clothes they are wearing.

Studies done recently, have shown that the development of yeast problems can also be caused by spermicides. If you happen to use Nonoxynol-9, one of the spermicides in question, you are putting yourself at risk for yeast infections. To keep your body from developing a yeast infection then stay away from products that certain chemicals that are used in spermicides. The vagina is full of bacteria, which is most likely killed off the chemicals in the spermicides. As you may know, you need to maintain a healthy bacterial environment in order to prevent yeast over-growth.

If any incisions have been made in your vaginal area due to surgery, or you have had damage to the vulva, you may develop infections very shortly. All of your body, there are certain areas where yeast cells will thrive. The body is naturally able to control yeast cell production which is why infections do not always occur. Excessive friction around or in the vagina will induce yeast infections especially if there is damage. Yeast infections will definitely develop if this type of irritation perpetuates. If you choose to lubricate this area, using Vaseline is not a good idea because it is a petroleum-based product. The good news is that you can easily get rid of a yeast infection and the treatment is not that hard. Sometimes you may have a situation where you have to take antibiotics. Ask your doctor if there is something you can do to lower your risk of getting a yeast infection while you take the antibiotics. If you have good eating habits and include a lot of whole, unprocessed foods in your diet, you will have a better chance of maintaining a healthy level of beneficial bacteria in your body.

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